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Unleashing the Imagination. The III International Kirimize Janet Children's Literary Competition


The III International Kirimize Janet Children's Literary Competition is now accepting applications, which will be closed on August 31. The competition is open to authors aged 18 and above who write in Adyghe, Kabardino-Circassian, and Russian languages. Additionally, illustrators of children's works are also eligible to participate. The competition is divided into two categories: "Prose and Poetry" and "Illustrations". For the year 2024, the competition is themed "Сш1энэу сыфай" ("I Want to Know Everything"), focusing on finding non-fiction works for children aged three to twelve. The competition regulations can be found here.

We invite participants to create works that showcase famous individuals from Adygea, delve into the rich history and ethnography of the Adyghe people, and explore the cultural significance of the "Adyghe Khabze" ethical code. The works can also highlight the traditional handicrafts and crafts of the region, as well as the bravery and sacrifices of fellow countrymen who fought as heroes in the Great Patriotic War. Additionally, we welcome works that depict the partisan struggle against the Nazi invaders on the territory of Adygea, the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, and the Karachay-Cherkess Republic. We also encourage participants to share their observations and reflections on the natural world around them, including the region's unique flora and fauna, its stunning landscapes, and the latest advancements in science and technology.
The competition welcomes submissions that meet certain criteria. To be eligible, works must be suitable for the target audience and stand out through their unique style and artistic techniques. To ensure originality, we will only consider submissions that have not been published in print or online format prior to the competition.  

Literary works can be created in Adyghe, Kabardino-Circassian, and Russian. Illustrators are invited to submit their work in the comics genre and silent book style, which is characterized by the absence of text and words. This style, also known as a "wordless book," allows the illustrations to convey the story and emotions without the need for verbal narration.

The winners and prize winners of the competition will receive cash prizes. The winning works in the "prose and poetry" nomination will be published as separate books, and the winners and prize winners in the "illustrations" nomination will have the right to illustrate their own works. The competition partners have established special prizes for participating authors.

The application period for the competition began on June 1 and will conclude on August 31, when applications can be submitted on the competition website The jury will announce the winners' names on November 15, 2024.

About the competition

The International Literary Competition for Children, named after Kirimize Jane, was established by the Adyghe State University and has been held annually since 2022. The competition's primary objective is to identify and nurture talented authors working in the genre of children's literature, while also promoting their work and introducing children to the process of comprehending the moral foundations of national culture and the spiritual wealth of the people.

The jury comprises esteemed writers, artists, art historians, and scientists. The jury is headed by Leila Kurashinova, a theatrical producer and member of the Board of Trustees of the regional educational center "Polaris-Adygea," who was instrumental in initiating the competition. The competition's emblem is a painting titled "Mezguasch" (goddess of the forest), created by Mazagi Tesheva, a young artist and graduate of the Institute of Arts of the Adyghe State University and the British Higher School of Design.

In the inaugural season of the competition, 623 applications from authors from 5 countries and 35 regions of Russia were submitted to the jury for consideration. The competition, dubbed "TsIykIuzhyy" ("Baby"), aimed to identify works suitable for children aged three to five years. Following the season's conclusion, the Adyghe University Publishing House published six books, featuring the winning authors and illustrators who had participated in the competition.

In 2023, the competition was rebranded as "Syejaklu" ("I am a reader") and shifted its focus to finding works for children aged seven to ten years. The jury received 125 applications from 51 authors representing 10 regions of Russia. For the first time, participants were encouraged to submit their works not only in Adyghe and Russian, but also in Kabardino-Circassian.


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