
Adyghe State University had scientific results in Mathematics and Caucasus biological diversity research, research of environmental management and geoinformation systems; nutraciology, pollution and elimination, technologies of prvention, monitoring and forecasting of the environment state; bioresource collection formation; technologies for prevention and elimination of natural man-made emergencies; renewable energy sources, health saving, reduction of losses from socially significant diseases; immunogenetics, sports physiology, biomechanics, social psychology, experimental Linguistics, ethnic culture,ethno social and ethnopolitical processes;social and economical development of the region.
Scientific research is carried out within the framework of 12 scientific schools of 35 scientific directions at 41 departments in educational and department research structures, including 3 scientific centres, 6 laboratories, 3 museums, the Botanical Garden, at the scientific centre of RAS of the Republic of Adygheya, the Research Institute of Complex Problems which includes 2 research centres, 1 department and 5 laboratories.
The Adyghe State University has the following scientific schools and directions:
The main ASU scientific schools:
1. Theory and methodology of History (Head, Prof. N. A. Pocheshkhov);
2. Problems of religious consciousness in a multicultural region (Head, Prof. S A. Lyausheva);
3. The cultural component of the innovative model of the multiethnic region development in the context of modernization of Russia and globalization (Hea, Prof. A. Yu. Shaje);
4. Study of the management of territorial integration entities of mesolevel in conditions of increasing volatility of external environment and the formation of a "knowledge-based economy". (Head, Prof. E.N.Zakharova);
5. Professional and personal development of the specialists in the continuing education system (Head. Prof. S. Н. Begidova);
6. System and functional principles of teaching of the Russian language as native and non-native. (Head, Prof. F. К.Urakova);
7. Problems of regional onomastics, lexicology and lexicography of multi-system languages. (Head. Prof. А.N. Abregov, Prof. Z.К. Bedunokova);
8. Cognitive, discourse and ethnocultural aspects of multi-system languages (Head. Prof. Z. R. Khachmafova);
9. Comparative study and research of cross-cultural space of literature and mass communication (based on Russian literature ХХ cent) (Head. Prof. U. M. Punesh, Prof. F.B.Beshukova);
10. Geoinformational modeling of balanced region development (Head.Prof. R.D Khuonugov, As. Prof. T.P. Vurshanina);
11. Ontopedagogy of physical culture and sport (Head. Prof. К.D. Chermit);
12. Physiological mechanisms of morphorgenesis and adaptogenesis under conditions of polymodal environmental influence (Head. Prof. А.V.Shukhunova).
Scientific directions of ASU:
1. Behavioral deviations in the context of conditions of socio-cultural crisis in transitive society. (head. Prof.. А.P. Мikhailov (Fundamental research).
2. The Middle East countries and the North Caucasus in new and modern times: relevant problems of domestic and foreign policy. Head. Prof. А.S.Ivashchenko (Fundamental research).
3. The NorthWest Caucasus: the era of new time. Head Prof А.К. Cheucheva (Fundamental research).
4.Society and power: interaction problems in extreme conditions. Head Prof. Е.М. Маlisheva (Fundamental research).
5. Research of modern problems and development of accounting, analytical and control aspects of the commercial organizations activities. Head: As. Prof. R.А. Тkhugupso (Fundamental research).
6. Priority directions in the region tourism development and mechanisms for their implementation. Head: As.Prof. С.А. Khatukay (Applied research).
7.The identification of the main mechanisms and trends of modern state management of national education system's development.Head: Prof. А.Sh. Khuazheva (Fundamental research).
8. Constitutional and legal policy of the Russian state in the context of modern development. Head: Prof. А.М.Shadje (Fundamental research).
9. Problematic issues of theory and practice of protecting the constitutional rights of a citizen in court proceeding. Head: Prof А.I Trakhov (Fundamental research).
10. Theory and practice of organizing an effective educaional process . Head: Prof. F.P. Khakunova (Fundamental and and applied research).
11. Маthematical creativity, talent and giftedness. Head: As.Prof. D.К. Mamiy (Applied research).
12. Formation of personality by means of physical culture. Head: Prof. N. Kh. Khakunov (Fundamental and applied research).
13. Improving the professional training of natural scientific subjects teachers. Head: As. Profю Zh.I. Shorova (Applied research).
14. Integrative psychology and pedagogy of art in a multiethnic region. Head: Prof. V.G. Mozgot ((Fundamental research).
15. Psychological support for personality professionalization in sports.Head: As. Prof. S.К.Bagadirova (Fundamental and applied research).
16. Cognitive paradigm modern linguistics. Head: Prof. М.P.Akhidjukova (Fundamental research ).
17. Theory and applied aspects of bilingualism. Head: Prof..Kh.Z. Bugirokov (Fundamental research).
18. Current problems of language education, communicative and pragmatic analysis of foreign language speech. Head: Prof. B.М. Jundar (Applied research).
19. Literary and comminicative practices: innovative aspects. Head: Prof. F.B.Beshukova (Fundamental and applied research).
20. The Adyghes song culture. Folklore studies. Head: Prof. R.B. Unurokova (Fundamental research).
21. Musical culture of a region. .Head: Prof. A.N.Sokolova (Fundamental research).
22. Computer science, computer engineering and control.Head: As.Prof. V.E.Korzhukov (Fundamental research).
23. Modeling intelligent information technologies and complex systems control. Head: As. Prof. P.Yu.Buochutskiy (Fundamental research).
24. Nature-like computational methodology " Digital Earth. Digital Adygheya": Head:.Prof. R. D. Khunagov,As. Prof. T.P. Varshanina (Applied research).
25. Stability and dynamic systems' stabilization .Head: Prof. М.М. Shuomufov (Fundamental research).
26. Theoretical aspects of quantum electrodynamic processes. Head: Prof. V. B. Tlyachev (Fundamental research)..
27. Physical and chemical research and ecological monitoring of biosphere ecosystems. N.P. Ocheret (Fundamental and applied research).
28. Immunogenetic epigenetic mechanisms of carcinogenesis and cardiovascular diseases. Head: Prof. А.R.Tuoguz (Fundamental research).
29. Biochemical mechanisms, ecological and hygienic problems, biotechnological aspects of optimizing the nutritional status of various population groups and pedagogical condittions for the basic formation of proper nutrition.. Head: Prof. А.D. Tsikunib (Fundamental research).
30. Ecological monitoring of the Western Caucasus mountainous territories' flora and fauna. Head: Prof. А.S. Zamotailov, As. Prof. M.I. Shupovalov (Fundamental research).
31.Regional, ecological aspects of natural, social and economical research. Head: As. Prof. F. M. Tuoguz. (Fundamental research).
32. The study of mechanism of human movement control. Head: Prof. А.M. Doronin (Fundamental research).
33. Kinesiology of human moto actons. Head: Prof. O.B.Nemtsev. (Fundamental research).
.34. Innovative approaches to the natural mathematics cycle disciplines teaching in modern conditions of education informatization. Head: As. Prof. M.A. Kojashau (Applied research).
35. Games and its applications theory .Head: Prof. A.B.Savateev. (Applied research).
The development of the Adyghe State University main scientific schools and directions is consisitent with the priorities and prospects of scientific and technological development outlined in the Strategy of scientific and technological development of the Russian Federation, as well as in the University development Program for 2021 – 2030.
The activities of scientific schools and directions are aimed at transforming fundamental theoretical knowledge in various fields of science, training scientific personnel in relevant fields, activation the interests of young researchers; the increase in the aspirant corps; the formation of the ASU scientists generations succession, the creation of the University research teams on strategic issues, including network form with partner organizations with an emphasis on attracting graduate students and students to research work; conducting inter-disciplinary research in various knowledge fields.
Volume of scientific research conduction.
In 2023 the teaching staff together with ASU students and postgraduates completed 42 scientific projects in the interests of the Ministry of Education and Science Departments: 3 projects were completed as part of the impementation of the strategic academic leadership "Priority-2030"; 16 projects funded by the subjects of the Russian Federation; 2 projects funded by local budget; 4 projects were economic agreements with organizations; 17 projects were at the expense of sponsors and the University own funds.
The amount of disbursed funds amounted to 96242,83 rubles.
The highly qualiied personnel training is carried out at ASU postgraduate and doctoral studies.
There are 8 directions of scientific and pedagogical personnel training:• 1.1 – Mathematics and Mechanics
• 1.5 – Biological sciences
• 5.2 – Economics
• 5.4 – Sociology sciences
• 5.6 – History and Archaeology
• 5.8 – Education and pedagogical sciences
• 5.9 – Linguistics and Literary Criticism
• 5.10 – Art History
ASU has 7 Dissertation Councils for the defense of doctoral and PhD theses