Director of the Center for Digital Transformation

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- 385000, Maykop,Pervomaiskaya, 208, 4th floor
- Reception:
- +7 (8772) 57 11 47
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Shopin Andrey Viktorovich is an Associate Professor of the Automated Information Processing and Management Systems Department, Candidate of Technical Sciencies.
Shopin Andrey Viktorovich graduated from the Physics Department of the Adyghe State University in 1993.
He has been working at the Automated Information Processing and Management Systems Department since 2003.
Shopin has been working as the director of the ASU Computing Center since 2005. In 2013, he defended his thesis for the degree of candidate of Technical Sciencies on the topic "Research and development of mathematicaland algorithmic support for energy management systems with unconventional renewable energy sources based on fuzzy logic" at KubanState Technological University.
Research interests: problems of technological processes automation; consideration of uncertainty of initial information in control systems of complex technical objects; artificial intelligence systems; simulation modeling
The results of his scientific work have been published in publications included in th RSCI citation database and the Higher Attestation Commission journals, as well as in the materials of Russian and international conferences.Academic subjects taught: fundamentals of management theory; information support of control systems; elements and devices of control systems; programming technology. Shopin has developed educational and methodical manuals. He has certificates of registration of computer programs (in co-authorship) and supervises the students' course and qualification works.
Supervised departments
- Information systems administration department
- Software department
- Network technology department
- Technical support department