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The vice-rector for International Affairs of the Adyghe State University spoke about the system of adaptation of foreigners at the university at the Council on Interethnic and Interfaith Relations under the head of Maikop

The Advisory Council on Interethnic and Interfaith Relations under the administration of Maikop held a meeting on October 18.The heads of local governments, law enforcement agencies, national, religious public associations, student communities took part in the meeting.

The vice-rector for International Affairs of the Adyghe State University Susanna Tlekhatuk.spoke about how the university helps the socio-cultural adaptation of foreign students.

Adyghe State University has been successfully teaching foreign students for many years. Today, more than 1500 foreigners study at the university. Susanna Tlehatuk called the fraternities, in which students unite on a national basis, an effective mechanism for managing the process of socio-cultural adaptation.

Representatives of the community are a kind of “adaptation agents” for foreign students. They help in mastering new social roles and establishing social contacts, provide the necessary primary information about the country, the university and the cultural characteristics of the country, and also provide assistance in everyday matters.

The school of curatorship is of great help. It appoints a curator for the entire period of study for each academic group of faculties, since it is impossible to complete the entire range of tasks that stand in the way of curators only in the first year of study. The curators introduce foreign students to the structure of the university, the rules of conduct at the university, the rules of residence in the hostel.

In addition, they organize medical examinations for students, help in arranging and improving life, and advise foreign students on various issues.

The curators of the faculty have the opportunity to interact with the councils of the commonwealths on issues related to education, living conditions, ensuring the safety and leisure of foreign students, participation in socially significant projects of the university, organizing joint meetings of foreign and Russian students, meetings of foreign students with Russian schoolchildren, conducting work to prepare foreign students for participation in conferences, university-wide events and holidays, to work to prevent conflicts between students of different nationalities.

The university constantly holds events to promote the world cultural heritage, culture, traditions and language of the Russian people, strengthen and develop interethnic ties.

In addition, foreigners get acquainted with the traditions and customs of Adygea and the countries from which foreign students came. The university raises the general cultural level, forms the worldview of students, fosters a sense of tolerance and respect for representatives of a different culture.

In April 2022, the “teleconference of friendship” held at the university for the first time. It was timed to coincide with the end of the Muslim and Christian fasts.

During the teleconference, foreign students congratulated their parents on the end of the fast and the upcoming sacred holidays, and their parents were able not only to see their children, but also to communicate with university representatives and discuss issues of interest.

Given the positive feedback from foreign students, the event will undoubtedly be among the annual events held by the Adyghe State University for foreign students.