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The VI All-Russian (with international participation) Olympiad in tourism, service and hotel activities



February 16 - April 4, 2023
The VI All-Russian (with international participation) Olympiad in tourism, service and hotel activities

Applications of students of grades 7-11, students of educational institutions and universities are accepted to the VI All - Russian (with international participation) Olympiad in Tourism, Service and Hotel activities.

Adyghe State University invites pupils of grades 7-11, students of educational institutions of Russia to take part in the VI All - Russian (with international participation) Olympiad in Tourism, Service and Hotel activities.

The Olympiad will be held from February 16 to April 4 2023.

The Olympiad is held in the categories "Geography", "Social Studies", "History", "Service", "Tourism", "Management in the tourism and hotel industry", "Recreation and recreational tourism", "Trade business", "Food industry" and "Event industry".

The number of applications from educational institutions is not limited. Participation is free of charge!

The winners and prize - winners of the Olympiad will receive: certain benefits upon admission to state educational institutions; special rights and discounts on tuition fees and other incentive measures;

the Organizing Committee's letters of thanks encourage: mentors who have prepared the Olympiad the winners;

mentors who have presented 5 or more Olympiad participants;

Educational organizations that have presented the maximum number of participants. Attention! Winners and prize-winners of the Olympiad of the previous academic year who continue their studies in institutions are allowed to participate in the Olympiad, bypassing the qualifying stage. Registration is mandatory for everyone. 

Registration via the link on February 18, 2023.

The solutions of the Olympiad tasks, drawn up in the prescribed order, must be downloaded as a single file via the link on February 25, 2023 inclusive.

Preliminary results of the qualifying stage of the Olympiad will be published on the ASU website and the official website of the Olympic Games on March 14, 2023.

The final stage is held in person (or in a remote video conference format) on March 31, 2023 from 9 to 13on local time.

The final summary protocol of the winners and prize-winners of the final stage of the Olympiad will be published by April 14. The tasks of the qualifying and final stages of the Olympiad contain 6 questions for a detailed answer: 4 theoretical questions, 1 practical and 1 creative. Tasks of previous years, awards and the Olympiad Regulations can be viewed at the link

Hashtags of the Olympiad: #olympiadservicetourismhospitality; thebesinserviceandtourism. 

Contact information: Ozheva Svetlana Borisovna, s.ojeva@adygnet.ru , +7(960) 436-44-82

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