The Science Around Project Recognized as a Finalist for the 2024 Runet Prize
The Runet Prize, which stands for the National Prize for Contribution to the Development of the Russian Segment of the Internet, is an annual award recognizing the best companies, projects, and mobile applications within the Runet. It has been presented since 2004.
The media library of the Science Around project has curated a collection of video lectures featuring renowned Russian scientists and popularizers of science, who elucidate complex scientific concepts in a simple and accessible manner. Among these are lectures by Doctor of Biological Sciences Alexander Kaplan, who discusses the capabilities of the brain that artificial intelligence cannot surpass. Additionally, science journalist Alexey Paevsky presents lectures on the functioning of the brain in space; Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Alexey Savvateev delivers a compelling narrative on the greatest constants of mathematics and their inherent beauty, alongside Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Andrey Raigorodsky. Furthermore, Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences Artem Oganov offers insights into various processes from a chemical perspective, while Elena Bryzgalina, a scientist from Lomonosov Moscow State University, shares her expertise on contemporary research in the field of bioethics. This rich content has been presented since 2004.
All content is adapted to ensure it is engaging for both schoolchildren and adults. To date, the lectures have been viewed by over 3 million viewers.
The project has made a significant contribution to the development of the Russian segment of the Internet, providing users with a high-quality educational platform that delves into complex yet essential topics. Throughout the implementation phase, we prioritized verified information and employed an interdisciplinary approach, demonstrating that science can be both fascinating and accessible.
The award ceremony for the winners of the Runet Prize 2024 is set to take place at the Tretyakov Gallery on December 9.