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Recognition of ASU's Efforts in Promoting Mathematics at the Meeting Between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Participants of the IV Congress of Young Scientists


Russian President Vladimir Putin met with participants of the IV Congress of Young Scientists yesterday to discuss issues related to high-tech development and engineering education. The transcript of the meeting has been posted on the official Kremlin website. 

As Vladimir Putin stated, it is necessary to train approximately one million specialists in engineering over the next three years, with the goal of increasing this figure to 1.8 million by 2030. Work in this direction is already underway. In Russia, 50 high-level engineering schools have been established based on leading educational institutions. By 2030, the goal is to have at least one hundred of these engineering schools.

In the conversation, the rector of Innopolis University, Alexander Gasnikov, emphasized the importance of replicating the experiences of leading experts across the country. He cited the parallelogram model developed by Nikolai Andreev, a researcher at the Caucasian Mathematical Center of Adyghe State University, as an example; this model assists schoolchildren in easily calculating the area of a figure.

-There are numerous models of this kind, which truly help children experience the essence of living science. Notably, the individual leading these developments in our country, Nikolai Andreev, along with his colleagues, received the prestigious Lilavati Prize. This award is presented once every four years to a prominent science popularizer worldwide, and he was honored with this prize in 2022. As you can see, this initiative is currently not replicated on a large scale; it exists only at the Mathematical Institute of the Academy of Sciences and in Adygea—those are the only locations. However, the idea is that it could be disseminated throughout the country,- as noted by the rector.

He specified that Adygea has “a very good math center.”  

Later, in a telegram channel, the head of Adygea, Murat Kumpilov, acknowledged the merits of the university.

-It is gratifying that our efforts are recognized at such a high level. We are thankful for the attention and support from the country's leadership, which has enabled us to achieve considerable success in enhancing the educational infrastructure and nurturing a system for talented youth. Indeed, the Caucasian Mathematical Center operates under the auspices of Adyghe State University, with its primary objectives being the advancement and popularization of mathematical sciences. We also run the Republican Natural Sciences and Mathematics School, which, in conjunction with the KMC, can confidently be regarded as not only the foremost intellectual center of the republic but also one of the best educational platforms in the country. Much of this success can be attributed to the personal contributions of the rector of ASU, one of the founders of the REMSH, Daud Kazbekovich Mamiy, who continually generates innovative ideas and effectively brings them to fruition,- wrote Murat Kumpilov.

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