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Exploring the Outcomes and Future Directions of ASU's Digital Transformation: Highlights from the Academic Council's Discussion on Celebrating Next Year’s University Anniversary

Образование Приоритет 2030


A meeting of the Academic Council of Adyghe State University took place in the Conference Hall of the main building. The primary focus was a report on the implementation of the university's digital transformation policy. Additionally, the members of the Academic Council were presented with a draft plan for celebrating the 85th anniversary of Adyghe State University next year.
Digital Transformation
Azamat Pseush, the Vice-Rector for Digital Transformation at ASU, discussed the university's efforts in adopting digital solutions and services.
Significant progress has been made in developing the university's digital infrastructure in recent years. The material and technical foundation has been modernized, and information systems based on domestic platforms have been implemented.

A dedicated team of programmers and system administrators from the university has been instrumental in the digitalization of document management.
-The implementation of this solution enabled us to digitize the majority of our documents, allowing us to work with them in electronic, digital form. Since 2022, over 22,000 documents have been uploaded and are currently stored in the system. At present, templates for 57 different types of documents, along with their corresponding processes, have been developed within the system,- stated Azamat Pseush.
A separate system was implemented for planning processes and task management, which also proved useful during the admission campaign. During this period, the system facilitated the management of interactions with applicants. All calls and requests received by the call center were recorded in the system, providing opportunities for quality control and further analysis. 
Additionally, the university division developed a system to automate technical support for employee and user requests. Throughout the system's operation, the Digital Transformation Center received and processed approximately 8,500 requests, with 57.8% submitted via corporate email. 
The development of the corporate information system is ongoing. This large-scale project requires the adaptation of standard solutions on the current platform to align with the specific processes at Adyghe State University. Users can now download and work with educational programs in digital format. Specialists are also implementing software tools to manage enrollment and workload. In the future, this will facilitate the implementation of a scheduling system, allowing us to streamline certain tasks in this area.
The Laboratory's Own Development

ASU has developed a personal student account that has already been launched. Through this account, students can access their class schedules, curricula, teaching staff information, and academic performance data. In the future, enhancements will be made to enable students to request necessary certificates and scans of documents more efficiently. 
Notably, the service is being developed by the ASU Digital Solutions Laboratory team, which is composed of current university students who are active participants in projects under the strategic initiative "Apple Valley," part of the "Priority 2030" program.
Currently, a team of five continues to advance this development. This approach offers the advantage of retaining data throughout the entire development cycle within the university.
-The team comprises specialists from various fields. We are capable of independently developing the majority of the digital services and solutions that the university will require,- stated the speaker.

The laboratory has developed a pilot version of the "Safe ASU" Telegram bot, specifically designed to combat fraudulent emails or calls impersonating university employees. This bot enables users to verify messages and check employee phone numbers. Initially, it includes information about the rector and vice-rectors, whose accounts and data are most frequently exploited by criminals. Currently, the employees of the digital solutions laboratory are training the bot using artificial intelligence to enhance its ability to provide advice and detect signs of hacking in real accounts.

Upcoming Tasks
The Digital Transformation Center plans to launch its first microservice for teachers, aimed at simplifying the process of completing forms and enabling users to do so using a laptop or smartphone.
Additionally, there are plans to implement a module for analyzing the publication activity of scientists and university faculty. This module will expedite the process of portfolio completion for university employees and enhance analytics in this area. The integration of the 1C-University and 1C-Accounting systems, which will facilitate the exchange of information regarding payments for students studying on a contractual basis, is in its final stages.
A key item on the agenda is the development of a strategy for the digital transformation of the university. This critical strategic document will outline a roadmap for digital transformation and specify measurable outcomes. Furthermore, a project to establish a comprehensive information security system is also underway.
In response to the increasing volume of work and the growing amount of information to process, efforts will continue to upgrade essential equipment. Currently, there is recognition of the need to upgrade 198 automated employee workstations, as well as some general network equipment. This upgrade will be implemented in stages.
The Academic Council emphasized the significance and relevance of the ongoing initiatives aimed at integrating digital technologies into the university's processes, and acknowledged the efforts in digitalization as satisfactory. The Council resolved to develop a strategy for the digital transformation of ASU by June 2025, as well as a project for a comprehensive information security system by September 2025.


ASU Anniversary

Next year, Adyghe State University will celebrate its 85th anniversary. A draft plan for the anniversary events, set for further detailed development, was presented by the rector's advisor on cultural issues, Fatima Tuguz.
According to her, the majority of the events will focus on educational and cultural themes, with participation from all scientific and educational departments of the university. Throughout the anniversary year, plans include creating a virtual tour, hosting conferences and exhibitions, organizing a series of sports tournaments, and conducting an intellectual game. Additionally, there will be a publication of a commemorative book detailing the history of the university, as well as the preparation of a video film and an anniversary newspaper.
The main festive events are scheduled to take place in October 2025.

The Academic Council has accepted the proposed plan of events as a foundation and has decided to establish an organizing committee to oversee the implementation of the anniversary activities by December. The heads of structural divisions are invited to submit their proposals for additions and clarifications to the plan, which will be reviewed at the next Academic Council meeting.

Submission for the Assignment of Titles

Alexandra Valerievna Berestneva has been nominated for the academic title of Associate Professor in the specialty 5.9.8 – Theoretical, Applied, and Comparative-Contrastive Linguistics. In 1994, she graduated from the Faculty of Foreign Languages at Adyghe State University, where she specialized in "English and German Languages" and earned the qualification of Teacher of English and German Languages. From 2003 to 2007, A.V. Berestneva pursued her studies in the graduate program of the Postgraduate Education Department at ASU, focusing on language theory. Alexandra Valerievna holds a Candidate of Philological Sciences degree in the following specialties: 10.02.01 - "Russian Language" and 10.02.20 - "Comparative-Historical, Typological, and Comparative Linguistics." This degree was awarded on June 30, 2008, by the Dissertation Council of Adyghe State University.
Alexandra Berestneva has been a member of the Department of English Philology since 2009. As evident from the characteristics presented, Alexandra Valerievna exemplifies a teacher of high pedagogical culture, marked by her efficiency, responsibility, creative approach, and commitment to professional growth. She is dedicated to enhancing her pedagogical skills and readily embraces new innovations in education. Over the past five years, she has improved her qualifications in the electronic information and educational environment of the university, ICT in linguistics and foreign language teaching, and innovative approaches to implementing additional professional education programs using both online and offline educational tools. Furthermore, she has undergone professional retraining focused on organizing inclusive education and supporting students with disabilities and health impairments in educational settings.
Her students, under her guidance, have actively participated in and achieved accolades at the annual interregional student scientific conference of ASU. Alexandra Valerievna has authored 24 scientific works, including textbooks and research articles published in leading Russian and international journals, as well as in publications recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation.

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