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Adyg State University has successfully passed professional and public accreditation


vKPELOj4HjE.jpg The year 2022 at Adyg State University was dedicated to undergoing professional and public accreditation (PPA).

PPA is the recognition of high quality implementation of education, compliance of the graduate's competence model with the demands of business, society and state. Numerous interviews with experts in the field of professional standards with ASU employers' community, students, graduates and professors revealed the compliance of the university educational programs with modern trends in higher education and science.

44 educational programs were applied for PPA, organization and conducting of which was carried out by Certification Association "Russian Register - Baltic Inspection" (Saint-Petersburg). Based on the conclusion of the independent quality assessment expert group at Adyg State University, the main professional educational programs in 26 bachelor's and 14 master's degree programs confirmed their compliance with professional standards and labor market requirements.

In contrast to the mandatory state examination, the professional and public examination does not assess the programme for its compliance with state educational standards, but determines to what extent the teaching methods, programme content and graduates' results meet the real demands of the labour market. Experts determine whether employers are interested in the programme, what influence they have on its content, and whether students are hired for internships and jobs.

In order to improve competitiveness, quality and attractiveness of education, ASU has developed new approaches to the formation of educational programs taking into account their orientation on the needs of employers, the project to create a unified educational space "Educational Programs Upgrade" is implemented, the effectiveness of educational programs has been evaluated, all programs are ranked by degree of effectiveness. The partner network of internships for students is constantly expanding. In accordance with the practice of leading universities ASU expands opportunities for students to choose disciplines of the interdisciplinary cycle, which allow for individualization of education and provide the opportunity to gain knowledge in the most important areas for the student.

Professional and public accreditation was conducted at ASU as part of the implementation of the intra-university project "Effective Educational Programmes - Guarantee of Education Quality", launched in 2022, which provides for gradual professional and public accreditation of 100% of educational programmes implemented by the university.

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