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The Adygheya TV journalists have made a shot video about ASU foreign students on the Student's Day

Образование Видео

IMG_7728.JPGFor several years now, Russian and foreign students have been celebrating the Day of Russian students. Many young people from other countries come to Adygheya for higher education. The geographical map of graduates of our universities is updated annually. They come from hot African countries and Eastern Turkmenistan. The correspondent of Adyghean television has decided to find out how foreign students live and study. Elena Yousef was interested in their everyday life, hobbies and even national dishes.

This year Tatiana's day has been held in the hostel on a daily basis. The students were preparing for exams, as the session was in full swing. Gulshat and Ainur have come to Adygheya from Turkmenistan. They study to be teachers of Chemistry and Biology. They say that they had no great difficulties with adaptation. This is understandable, because it is easier for young people from the former Soviet Union Republics here with both the language and the mentality of the general. Many of their elder relatives used to study in Russia.

Ainur Natjumayeva, a student from Turkmenistan, said: "My cousin studied here. He had said it was good here and the lecturers taught well, so I came here.

Dursun Sakharova, is also from Turkmenistan, she said: " We are Muslims and Muslims live here in Maykop. And we have a lot of similarities in traditions.

Russian education is popular in Turkmenistan, so many students from this country study at the Adyghe State University.

In the dormitory, we drew attention to the students’ tradition decorating their doors with souvenirs or a glass eye. Turkmens have a particularly reverent attitude to carpets. You can see a carpet in their rooms.

Maya Sharipova, a graduate student from Turkmenistan, said: "As soon as we arrive, first of all, we go to buy a carpet, curtains, and then everything else. We don't have a table because we're used to sitting on the floor, it's more comfortable for us. Maya said that the carpet gives a feeling of comfort and reminds of her home. Every student misses his homeland and tries to arrange his life like this not to lose touch with it. The further away your house is, the more difficult it is to do it.

Briney is a student of the Preparatory faculty from distant Myanmar. She has been living in Russia for only a few months. Most of all, she misses her national cuisine, which is similar to Indian. She said that she was used to hot red pepper: "There is no hot pepper here. I cook for myself. Sometimes I buy spices at the market but cannot find all ingredients I need".

We met students from the Congo Berian and Adolfin at the kitchen. They were baking national pastries and treated their fellows. There are fewer students from the Congo, so they try to stick together and help each other. The guys admitted that the most difficult thing at the moment is to speak Russian well. And, of course, weather.

Samir Bevoise, a student from Congo, said:" I have Russian friends and Adygs too. I arrived last year it was the first of December. We don't have winter. Yes, it's very cold in Russia in winter. I have a plant from Africa in my room, it reminds me of my home. You can't buy such a palm tree in Maykop. One of my pastimes is everyone's favorite football in the Congo."

His friend from Congo, Ahmed Papa, has added: "We have our own African football team. We play either with Russian guys, or with the Turkmens. Of course, we are winning".

Undoubtedly, it is difficult for everyone who came to the country for the first time. You have to study, to write down lectures, read books and answer the questions. Having been educated in Maykop, foreign students take home a piece of Adygheya: that is knowledge, understanding of local culture, they are in touch with their best friends and mentors. And somewhere far away in Chad or Egypt, they remember with warmth about a small mountain republic and their best student years.

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