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About 1.5 thousand schoolchildren, students and teachers from Adygea, Krasnodar Territory, Federal Territory “Sirius” and the Republic of Abkhazia visited the Festival of Mathematics at the Adyghe State University


On December 8-10, the Adyghe State University hosted the Mathematics Festival-2022, which was attended by about 1.5 thousand schoolchildren, students, teachers from Adygea, Krasnodar Territory, Federal Territory “Sirius” and the Republic of Abkhazia. The event was held with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and timed to coincide with the 100th anniversary of the statehood of the Republic of Adygea.

The festival included a series of quests, non-standard and exciting Math classes for schoolchildren, and an educational program for teachers. There were popular science lectures from leading Russian scientists and a round table devoted to the issues of building a regional system for searching and supporting talented youth.

A special place in the program was given to events dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the Russian magazine for schoolchildren “Kvantik”, with which the mathematical community of Adygea has long-standing creative and friendly relations. In honor of the magazine’s anniversary, a new art object appeared in the Maikop Mathematical Park – a wall with tasks and puzzles from the “Kvantik” library, which will become another point of attraction for visitors. The station of the magazine “Kvantik” was equipped in the game library of the festival, thanks to which the participants not only solved the famous entertaining problems of the magazine, but also got acquainted with the editor-in-chief of the publication Sergey Dorichenko.

Festival events were held at several venues for schoolchildren of different age categories. The tasks of the festival sites were developed by the staff of the mathematics laboratory of “the Polaris-Adygea” Regional Center for Identifying and Supporting Gifted Children, the Republican Natural and Mathematical School, together with leading teachers of Russia. Primary school students were offered an exciting journey through mathematical stations and participation in unusual experiments. For students in grades 5-7, a quest was organized to solve non-standard problems and puzzles, and older students were introduced to experimental mathematics and solving mathematical problems using information technology and robotics.

Everyone was able to attend master classes from the Center for Digital Education of Children “IT-Cube. Adygea” and the regional center for identifying and supporting gifted children “Polaris-Adygea”. For all lovers of Mathematics, open popular science lectures were held by leading Russian scientists working in the Caucasus Mathematical Center. About the mathematical “component” of the greatest achievements of civilization and the mathematical “stuffing” of familiar things, the head of the laboratory for the popularization and propaganda of Mathematics and the Mathematical Institute named after V.A. Steklov RA of Sciences, laureate of the Lilavati International Prize Nikolai Andreev told. The lecture by Andrey Raigorodsky, director of the School of Applied Mathematics and Informatics, was devoted to the beauty of Mathematics, the harmony of numbers and formulas, geometric expressiveness and elegance of proofs. Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, author of the Matkult-hello! YouTube channel Alexey Savvateev gave a lecture on military field mathematics.

The organizers of the festival have prepared a rich educational program for teachers and future teachers of Mathematics. Lectures and master classes for them were held by the winners of the competition “The Best Teachers of Russia”, members of the Central Subject-Methodological Commission and the jury of the All-Russian Olympiad for Schoolchildren in Mathematics. As part of the round table, teachers discussed the issues of building a regional system for searching and supporting talented youth in modern conditions.

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