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Rector of Adyghe State University Daoud Mamiy on the importance of the University's transformation to achieve the goals of the development program


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Rector of ASU Daud Mamiy has told about the first results of the University's work during the implementation of the "Priority 2030" program at the meeting of the Ministry of Education and Science commission in Moscow. From November 24 to 27, the teams of universities receiving the basic part of the grant submit reports of the development programs implementation for 2021-2022.

Daud Mamiy said: ‘The University has carried out a large-scale transformation that has affected not only the structure, but also the consciousness and ideas of people that there should be a modern university. The development program launch has revealed a gap between the tasks being solved and the existing structure of the University. We fix two main results for ourselves: the built-up logic of innovative projects and systemic transformation’.

Briefly about the results: Strategic project "South Russian Educational Initiative: Mathematics a New look": It is focused on two national goals nationwide and the problems of personnel training for the region, including five subprojects:

‘We are raising new Lobachevskys’. A scientific laboratory of technologies for teaching mathematical ideas has been created, an online course of Olympiad mathematics with methodological content and elements of gamification for schoolchildren and additional professional education program for students "Mathematical talent and mathematical education" have been developed.

‘Math teacher of the future’: A new bachelor's degree program "Mathematical education" has been launched. It includes the course "Fundamentals of the development and promotion of educational products", a project seminar on geometry and practice on the online platform "Shkolkovo". The core of the new program includes courses on the formation of students' health culture in a broad sense, psychology of communication and acting skills. The Master's program "Mathematical Education and information technologies in Education" has been changed.

‘Alice is a teacher’: The Consortium "University Mathematical and Digital Ecosystem of the South of Russia" was created, which included YSU, FTI, NTUU "Sirius" and the company "Yandex"Within the framework of the consortium, a joint bachelor's program "Artificial Intelligence in Mathematical and IT education" was developed and launched at ASU and MIPT. It is focused on training IT specialists with psychological and pedagogical competencies.

‘Math for everyone’: Together with the Steklov MIAN, a pilot version of the mathematics course for non-mathematicians has been developed. The course has been tested in three areas of training and has been implemented in all educational programs.

‘Apple Valley’: Together with ITV, new master's and bachelor's degree programs in data analysis and image processing have been launched. The country's first summer student school on plant phenomics was held. With the participation of partners, the innovation and research agenda has expanded. A laboratory of mathematical methods in the field of precision agriculture and biotechnology and a laboratory of experimental linguistics have been created. During the year of the implementation of the development program, they came to understand that the University's projects go beyond its limits and are able to bring Adygeya to a new level of development.

The Rector of АSU noted that the University's projects go beyond its borders and make a significant contribution to the socio-economic growth of the Republic of Adygeya. The decision on the status of the University and its further participation in the "Priority 2030" will be made by the commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia.

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