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The faculty of social technologies and tourism jf the Adyghe state university celebrated its 10th anniversary


On November 18, a solemn event dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the “Social Pedagogy” training direction and the 10th anniversary of the Faculty of Social Technologies and Tourism of the Adyghe State University took place in the concert hall of ASU.

Rector of the ASU Daud Mamiy, director of the ASU Research Institute of Complex Problems Rashid Khunagov, director of the ASU Institute of Physical Education and Judo Ruslan Akhtaov, dean of the Faculty of Social Technologies and Tourism Elena Demkina, as well as employees, students and graduates congratulated the team on significant dates. The participants of the event noted the important role of the faculty in the training of highly qualified specialists for the social sphere and the tourism industry of the region.

Social pedagogues at the ASU began to be trained in 1997 when the specialty “Social Pedagogy” was opened. Today, the Faculty of Social Technologies and Tourism trains specialists in the direction of “Psychology and Social Pedagogy” and combines fundamental psychological and pedagogical education with the possibility of choosing an individual professional track. From 2021, students entering the direction of “Psychology and Social Pedagogy” can choose the specialization “Home tutor (tutor)” or “Tutor support for children with special educational needs”.

Over a quarter of a century, more than 1.5 thousand specialists have graduated who work in institutions of higher and secondary vocational education, secondary general education, social protection and social security services, employment centers, various socially oriented public non-profit organizations, in departments for tourism, in tourist companies and firms; in hotels, sanatoriums, sanatoriums, recreation centers and ski resorts.

The Faculty of Social Technologies and Tourism was established in 2012 on the basis of two existing areas of training “Social Pedagogy and Psychology” and “Social Work in the System of Social Services”, and the newly opened direction – “Tourism”.

The first graduation of specialists in the field of training “Tourism” took place in 2016. For ten years, the faculty has trained more than a hundred specialists in the tourism industry, most of whom work in their specialty not only in Russia but also abroad (Turkmenistan, Turkey, Zimbabwe). Graduates of the faculty successfully work in travel agencies and tour operator companies, hotel business, in the field of social and cultural leisure and transport enterprises serving tourists.

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