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At the meeting of the Academic Council at ASU, new admission rules and preparations for the opening of a foreign branch approved

The meeting of the Academic Council held at the Adyghe State University
on Monday. Among the questions are changes in the rules for admission to study,
changes in educational programs at the branch of the university and the prospects
for opening a foreign branch.

Changes to the admission rules

The Academic Council approved changes to the rules for admission to
higher education programs – bachelor’s, specialist’s and master’s programs at ASU
for the 2023-2024 academic year. Changes made after the relevant decisions of the
Russian Ministry of Education and Science. The most important of them:

The limit on the number of specialties or directions in which an applicant
has the right to simultaneously participate in the competition for the bachelor’s and
specialist’s programs at each university has been reduced from 10 to 5
Now, the admission deadlines for undergraduate and specialist programs
within the admission target for all forms of education are the same as for full-time
Consent to enrollment is no longer required. It will be enough to provide the
original document to the selection committee after the final decision on admission
to a particular university will make.
Enroll in study groups during the competition will base on the priority
preferences of the applicant indicated in the application for admission.
Competitive lists will update up to and including the date of issuance of the
enrollment order, and not after the completion of acceptance of applications for
consent to enrollment.

Preparations for the opening of a branch of ASU in Uzbekistan

ASU has been cooperating with universities in Uzbekistan for four years.
For the past two years, the university has been teaching Uzbek citizens in part-time
education. However, in recent years, due to the high demand for high-quality
Russian education among applicants from Uzbekistan, Russian universities have
been actively opening representative offices in this country. Today, more than 15
branches have opened in Tashkent and other cities.

Given the constantly growing level of demand for Russian education in
Uzbekistan and the existing positive experience of cooperation with educational
organizations of the republic, I consider it expedient to open a branch of the
Adyghe State University in Uzbekistan,” said ASU Vice-Rector for International
Affairs Susanna Tlekhatuk.

The Academic Council supported the proposal to start preparations for the
opening of the branch.

Two additional programs in the Belorechensky branch

The Academic Council approved the request for the implementation of two
bachelor’s programs in the Belorechensk branch of the ASU: “Management
orientation Business Management” and “Psychological and Pedagogical
Education” focus “Educational Psychology”.

During the admission campaign of the current and last year, we were
approached by a significant number of people who wanted to enroll in these two
areas and get higher education in them,” Asker Tlekhatuk, director of the ASU
branch in Belorechensk, said at the meeting.

Academic titles

The meeting of the Academic Council handed the documents on awarding
academic titles to the university staff. 

It awarded Nurbiy Pocheshkhov the academic title of Professor in the
specialty “Historiography, Source Studies, Methods of Historical Research”.

 It awarded Elena Bogdanova the academic title of Associate Professor in the
specialty “Theoretical, Applied and Comparative Linguistics”.

Ближайшие события

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22, 28 мая
Мюзикл «Крылья»
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Круглый стол «Искусственный интеллект и будущее высшего образования: пересечение технологий и образовательных практик»
7 Мая
Круглый стол «Искусственный интеллект и будущее высшего образования: пересечение технологий и образовательных практик»
7 мая в 15:00 в конференц-зале Кавказского математического центра АГУ (Дворец спорта «Якуб Коблев», 9 этаж) Департамент образовательной политики АГУ проведет круглый стол на тему: «Искусственный интеллект и будущее высшего образования: пересечение технологий и образовательных практик». Участники обсудят ренды в сфере искусственного интеллекта и высшего образования.
ХI Всероссийская научно-практическая конференция «Экономика и управление в современных условиях: проблемы и перспективы»
31 мая
ХI Всероссийская научно-практическая конференция «Экономика и управление в современных условиях: проблемы и перспективы»
Адыгейский государственный университет приглашает принять участие в ХI Всероссийской научно-практической конференции «Экономика и управление в современных условиях: проблемы и перспективы».
Код будущего
Код будущего
Приглашаем учеников 8-11 классов бесплатно обучиться современным языкам программирования на курсах на базе образовательной площадки Адыгейского государственного университета.
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