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International conference Inter. Carto. Inter. GIS has been held at the Adyghe State University



The International conference (InterCarto InterGIS 28) “Geographical information support to regions stable development” was held at the Agyghe State University on the 22–23 of October. More than 150 Russian and foreign participants took part in the conference.

InterCarto InterGIS28 is the only international conference devoted to geographical information systems for the stable development of regions. It has been held in Russia since 1994 The main conference relevant issues are Geographical Computer science and Cartography. The materials include articles translated into six official languages of the United Nations. The organizers of the conference were Agyghe State University, International Cartography Association, Europe and Asia International Academy of Sciences, Moscow State University after the name of Lomonosov, The Research center CARTFUND, Institute of Oceanology named after P.P. Shirshov of Russian Academy of Science, the RAS Department of Sciences on the Earth.

The theoretical and methodological aspects of environmental, economic and social issues of sustainable development as well as the Geographical Computer science and Cartography development, distance Earth sounding, the problems environmental sustainability, environment impact assessment have been considered at the conference. Also, the issues of geoinformatics cartography of climatic changes, biodiversity, Nature protection, mobile GIS development as well as creation of virtual geographical environment and the GIS using to save historical, cultural and natural heritage have been studied.

The scientific research results and publications have been presented at the conference by the scientists of the Intelligent Geoinformation Technologies Centre of the Agyghe State University. The Centre was established in 1999 The activity of the center is connected with the creation and introduction of regional and specialized information systems, compilation and publication of general geographic, thematic maps and atlases of diversified purpose. educational cartographic manuals and monographic works.

The Intelligent Geoinformation Technologies Centre, with the financial support of the Russian Federal Financial Institute, has published the Atlas of the Republic of Adygea, containing a large amount of analytical spatial information, a number of educational and methodological (cartographic) materials of the regional component of geographical knowledge for schoolchildren and students.

A large amount of digitization and updating work has been done on satelliteimages and ortho-photo-planes. A full-scale set of cartographic materials of the
republic such as 1: 200000, 1:50000 scale maps and 1:25000 scale map sets have
been developed. Digitized and updated 50% of the area of settlements of the
republic on a scale of 1: 2000

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