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The Faculty of Foreign Languages celebrated the International Day of Francophonie

The traditional celebration of the International Day of Francophonie was held at the Department of French Philology of the Faculty of Foreign Languages. 

The Francophonie Festival, traditionally celebrated in March, has been bringing together all fans of the French language for several years now, promoting its spread and popularization of French culture and the culture of French-speaking countries.

The word “francophonie” appeared in the French language relatively recently. The term was first used by the geographer Onesimus Reclus to describe the population and countries, where French is spoken. Francophonie with a capital F is the name of an international organization that includes 80 countries where at least part of the population speaks French or where French is one of the official administrative languages. The Francophonie as an organization promotes the ideal of tolerance and respect for the diversity of people, opinions and customs.

This year, the large lecture audience of the Faculty of Foreign Languages has turned into a theater: the program includes the celebration of the 400th anniversary of Jean-Baptiste Poquelin, who went down in history under the pseudonym Molière. 

The 4th year students spoke about the life and work of this outstanding French comedian of the 17th century, who gave French comedy an exceptional ideological richness, social sharpness and artistic diversity. Replacing each other, the heroes of Molière’s comedies “The Funny Pretenders”, “The School for Wives”, “The Miser” appear on the stage. Cheerfulness, lightness, wit, sharpness of characters cause sympathy and trust in the characters played by students of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd courses. 

Not only students came to the holiday, but also schoolchildren of the Maikop Lyceum No. 8 named after Zhenya Popov, who study French. 

- International Francophonie Day is a celebration of all those who speak French, all those who love this language. By holding such events at the university,we want to give people the opportunity to experience the beauty of the Frenchlanguage, its richness. This year the world celebrates the 400th anniversary of the birth of the great French writer and playwright Molière. Therefore, we decided to coincide with the traditional holiday at the Adyghe State University on this important date and hold it in the format of theatrical performances. And judging by the enthusiastic reviews of the participants of the event, this holiday was a success! – said one of the organizers of the event, Lyudmila Shapina, senior lecturer at the Department of French Philology of the Faculty of Foreign Languages of Adyghe State University.

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