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IV International scientific and practical conference "Language, text and culture: problems of linguistics and learning Russian as a foreign language"


25 Апреля
IV International  scientific and practical conference "Language, text and culture: problems of linguistics and learning Russian as a foreign language"

The Adyghe State University International Faculty's Department of Russian as a Foreign Language invites you to take part in the IV International  scientific and practical conference "Language, text and culture: problems of linguistics and learning Russian as a foreign language" 

The conference work is planned in the following areas:

•         current problems and research of modern linguistics;

•         analysis and the interpretation of texts in general philological, linguistic and  methodological aspects;

•         problems of intercultural communication in the process of learning Russian as a foreign language;

•         problems of teaching Russian as a non-native and as a foreign language;

•         modern educational technologies in teaching Russian as a foreign language.

The conference will be held in a mixed format: face-to-face participation and online using remote technologies are planned.
To participate in the conference, you should send an application in separate files to the organizing committee by April 20, the email  kaf_rki@adygnet.ru  marked "Conference on RKI":

1. Application for participation in conference.
2. Article (3-5 pages). Articles in co-authorship are allowed (no more than two co-authors). The texts must be carefully edited. The originality of the text should be at least 70% according to the anti-plagiarism system. An electronic collection of articles will be published based on the conference results. The electronic version of the conference proceedings will be placed in the electronic library Library.ru and RISC with the assignment ISBN. It will be sent to the participants at the electronic address specified during registration. The publication is free of charge. At the end of the conference,  an electronic certificate will be sent to all participants.

Details, application form and contact information in the information  letter.

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