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The Second All-Russian Scientific Conference with International Participation "Social work in a modern world:theory and practice"


12 Апреля
The Second All-Russian Scientific Conference with International Participation "Social work in a modern world:theory and practice"

Innovative methods in social sphere will be discussed at the Adyghe State University.

The  II All-Russian scientific conference with international participation "Social work in a modern world:theory and practice" will be held on April 11-12 at the  Adyghe State University Institute of Life Quality. The event is dedicated to the Year of  the Family. It will be held in the frame of the program "Priority 2030" with the support of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection and the  Adyghean center of the Russian Academy of Education.

Scientists, the Government representatives, specialists in the social field, specialists of socially oriented organizations  as well as the students - future social workers, psychologists and social teachers will take part in the scientific discussion. The organizing committee has recieved more than 180 applications from Russia, Belarus Azerbaijan and Kyrgyzstan. The conference program includes plenary session and the work of eight thematic sections.Within two days they will discuss  current issues and exchange scientific results and share research and practical experience.of social work.

The focus will be on various aspects of social work:

•         Social protection of childhood and family in modern Russia;

•         Resocialization and social adaptation of convicts to deprivation of liberty;

•         Organization of youth policy in the system  of social policy of Russia;

•         Technology of forming the viability of vaious categories of citizens;

•         The economic foundations of social work;

•         Development of inclusive  rehabilitation and social tourism in the regions as a form of work with vulnerable population segments;

•         Social security: legal framework and implementing methods;

•         Mediation in social work;

•         Social management, communication and social and project technologies;

•         Innovative  technologies of social work in the system of social services of the population;

•         Psychological and social work with the population;

•         Social insurance and pension provision;

•         Interagency cooperation on the prevention  of child and adolescent neglect;

•         A social mechanism for preventing occupational deformation of  a social work specialist;

•         Social and pedagogical technologies for working with minors in difficult life situations;

•         Prevention of extremist manifestations in adolescent and youth environment.

The Deputy Head of the FPS Department for Educational, Social and Psychological work, the Head of the Department of  Social Work with Convicts and Penitentiary Probation Ayrat Alimov and Yuri Chutz, the Deputy Head of DFPS of Russia in the Republic of Adygheya will make a welcoming speech at the plenary session.

The representatives of the Administration, ANO, leading scientists in the field of deviant behavior of adolescents and children, social protection of childhood as well as specialists of social field will take part in the plenary session.

The conference program ishere

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