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"Adyghe State University Showcases Innovative Developments at the International Exhibition and Forum Russia: Collaborations and Achievements in Science and Education"


On February 17th, the international exhibition and forum "Russia" took place in Moscow, featuring a thematic day dedicated to "Science and Universities." The event was attended by Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, Dmitry Chernyshenko. Key achievements in Russian science were discussed during the plenary meeting.

The Deputy Prime Minister highlighted the significant progress made under President Vladimir Putin's leadership within the national project "Science and Universities." Over 40% of the instrument base of leading scientific organizations in Russia has been updated. Russia ranks 5th globally in terms of employment in scientific research and development and 9th in the number of innovative developments.

Priority areas include the advancement of unmanned aerial systems, electronic and radio-electronic products, and priority machine-tool products. One of the crucial tasks is to provide the innovation industry with skilled personnel. This will be achieved through the implementation of federal projects, such as establishing advanced engineering schools in partnership with high-tech companies, world-class research and educational centers, and the Priority 2030 program, aimed at enhancing university and scientific organization potential.

ASU Rector Daud Mamiy participated in the forum's business program. Throughout the day, a presentation of scientific developments and achievements by Adygea State University took place at the Republic of Adygea stand in Pavilion 75 of VDNKh. Students and staff showcased their work in mathematics popularisation, experimental linguistics, and mobile applications related to megalithic monuments and firefighting training.

The international exhibition and forum "Russia" featured 132 expositions showcasing achievements in science, education, healthcare, culture, and economics from all regions. President Vladimir Putin commended the exhibition's organization and ordered its extension until July 8, 2024.

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