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The week of science started at the Adyghe State University with a project seminar on the popularization of research in the network

Образование Наука

The week of science began at the Adyghe State University. It was opened by the project seminar “Popularization of science and promotion of SSS activities in the network”. Lecturers-moderators – Director of the Department of Information and Image Policy of ASU Irina Tlyustangelova and Advisor to the Rector of ASU on public relations Nadezhda Sukhovaya told the members of the Student Scientific Society of ASU about how to promote science among representatives of different target audiences.

Young scientists were asked to think about how much time young people spend on the Internet, what is the competition for the time and attention of the user, and what needs to be done to win this fight. We also talked about how to write about the complex easily, so that scientific discoveries are accepted and understood by society, and young people become interested and strive to go into science.

Everything that surrounds us is described by science. Once it was someone’s scientific discovery, which is embedded in consciousness. It has become part of our daily routine. We do not think about why the Sun rises and sets, we know that the Earth is round. And once it occupied the minds of scientists. And it was not enough just to discover, it was also necessary to explain this scientific fact in an accessible way and introduce it into the consciousness of society. Modern scientists also face this, – said Nadezhda Sukhovaya.

They also raised the topic of pseudoscientific facts, which are easier and faster to spread on social networks.

For the project part of the seminar, the participants chose two real studies conducted by members of the ASU SSS: “Forming the social success of a modern student” and “Prospects for the development of digital human rights”. Divided into 4 teams, the students determined the target audience, possible partners of the project and developed two versions of the roadmap for promoting the research. They presented their results in a five-minute presentation and were evaluated by experts.

As a reminder, the Week of Science is organized by the Student Scientific Society of ASU, the Commonwealth of Young Scientists of ASU and scientific and educational clusters of the university. The program includes a business game “Self-presentation”, master classes, intellectual games, workshops, round tables and open lectures by Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor of the Adyghe State University Alexei Savvateev, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Asiet Shadzhe, member of the Adyghe (Circassian) International Academy of Sciences (AIAS), Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor of the Adyghe State University Magomet Shumafov and others.

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