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The Festival of National Cultures was held at the Adygea State University

Студлайф Культура

Foreign students from different faculties of the Adyghe State University from 37 countries of the world prepared a real multicultural holiday. The festival program was rich: the event was started with videos telling about each country, then there were performances from students in spectacular performances, conveying the atmosphere of the culture of their country.

At the festival, students sang in the Adyghe language, performed national Armenian and Georgian dances, showed performances from Turkmenistan and Adygea with musical instruments, read poems in Syriac and Turkish, and spoke about Uzbekistan in their native language. After all the performances, the flags of the countries represented at the event were solemnly brought to the stage and they sang a common, final song.

There was also a gastronomic feast. After the program, the guests of the festival were invited to taste dishes of the national cuisine of different countries: Congo, Syria, Libya, Uzbekistan and Jordan. Syrian, Arabic, Jordanian and Uzbek pilaf, vegetable dishes, Arabic hummus and Jordanian lentils were placed on the tables.

We asked participants about their impressions of the event:

“Very colorful and bright holiday! From the stage, one could feel the pride of each student for their people,” Ahmed, a student of the Faculty of Engineering and Physics from Egypt, shared his emotions.

“I consider such events to be very important for uniting students. They instill in students respect for every nation,” commented Khalid, an engineering physics student from Algeria.

-“The event is of great importance for me personally, students will learn more about intercultural communication. They try dishes from different countries and communicate with each other – it’s a good experience,” summed up Saida Sapiyeva, Associate Professor of the Department of Russian and Foreign Languages of ASU.

The festival of national cultures at the Adyghe State University is held annually. It provides an opportunity to demonstrate the diversity of the culture of students, to acquaint the guests of the holiday with the traditions of other countries and to strengthen tolerance and friendly ties among young people.

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