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Innovation and Collaboration: 64th Interregional Student Scientific Conference at Adygea State University


April 18-19
Innovation and Collaboration: 64th Interregional Student Scientific Conference at Adygea State University
The 64th Interregional Student Scientific Conference will be held on April 18-19 to promote research, collaboration, and innovation among students, as well as to strengthen ties with educational institutions in the Republic of Adygea and the Krasnodar Territory. The event is organized by Adygea State University and the Student Scientific Society of ASU.
Throughout the conference, participants can engage in various activities, including working in sections, a poster session, a competition of scientific research works, a science outreach event for primary school children titled "Science from the Nappies," an intellectual game between SSS teams, and a chess tournament.
The conference will feature section work in the following areas:
  • Pedagogy, Psychology
  • Linguistics, Literature, and Journalism
  • Philosophy, Sociology, and Cultural Studies
  • History, Jurisprudence, Economics
  • Chemistry, Biology, Ecology, Geography
  • Physics, Mathematics, Information Technology
  • Physical Culture and Sports, Life Safety, Tourism
Online participation is available for out-of-town students. To join the conference, submit your application and abstracts by April 12.
The recommended works of category 1 will be published in the ASU Student Scientific Journal "AB OVO. A New Look," which is indexed in the RSCI system. The collected abstracts of participants will also be published after the conference.
During the poster session, students will present their research using posters that include graphs, photographs, diagrams, and a minimal amount of text. To participate, send your application by April 8 to the email address sno_agu@adygnet.ru, including your full name, university, faculty, course, supervisor, and research topic.
A Research Work Competition will take place during the conference.
An intellectual game involving teams from the university faculties' Student Scientific Societies is planned. Each team consists of 5 members. To participate, send your application by April 8 to the email address sno_agu@adygnet.ru, signed by the head of the SNO faculty, indicating the SNOF name, team members' full names, and contact information. The game will take place on April 19.
To join the chess tournament, send your application by April 8 (inclusive) to the email address sno_agu@adygnet.ru, providing your full name, university, faculty, course, telephone number, and email address.
For more details, application requirements, and contact information, refer to theInformation Letter.

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