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Adygea State University Scientists Contribute to the Expansion of the Republic of Adygea's Red Book with New Edition


Scientists from Adygea State University have significantly contributed to the third edition of the Red Book of the Republic of Adygea, a publication that lists protected species of plants, fungi, and animals within the region. Under the guidance of the regional Department for Environmental Protection and Natural Resources and the Bolshoy Thach Natural Park, this new edition comprises two parts. The first part focuses on protected plant and fungi species, providing information on 228 taxa, while the second part covers 279 protected animal species.
In comparison to the first edition in 2000, the number of protected species in the Red Book of Adygea has increased substantially. The first edition included 149 species, with 103 plant species and 46 mushroom species. The recent edition has been presented to the public and regional scientists, with prominent ecologists from Adygea and the Krasnodar Territory participating in a ceremonial meeting to celebrate the new publication.
In recognition of their work on the Red Book of Adygea, scientists from Adygea State University, including Doctor of Biological Sciences Maxim Shapovalov, Candidate of Biological Sciences Maxim Saprykin, Candidate of Biological Sciences Irina Chernyavskaya, Candidate of Biological Sciences Svetlana Chitao, and Director of the ASU Botanical Garden Tatyana Tolstikova, were awarded Certificates of Honor from the Department of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of the Republic of Adygea.
As the executive editor of the Red Book of Adygea, Professor Alexander Zamotailov, highlighted, the research conducted by Adygea State University staff on the study of rare animal and plant species has become an integral part of the scientific base, reinforcing the foundations for the conservation and protection of Adygea's unique nature. The university's scientists have been monitoring the condition of protected fauna and flora within the region for over a decade, accumulating substantial data in the laboratory of bioecological monitoring of invertebrate animals and maintaining an electronic database of records of protected species of animals and plants at the ASU GIS Center.

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