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The meeting with one of the most titled female boxers in the world, Svetlana Kulakova, took place at the “Yakub Koblev” Sports Palace


The meeting was organized by the Adyghe State University, the public organization “Union of Women of the Republic of Adygea” and “Union of Fathers 01”. The event was held in accordance with the action plan for 2023 of the IPC and ASU judo, within the framework of the project “Adygea – the territory of health” and the series of events “100 minutes of dialogue with a successful woman”.

Svetlana Kulakova – Honored Master of Sports, World Boxing Champion in the 1st welterweight, holder of the title “Mrs Beauty & Sport Russia-2013”. For 2.5 hours, with a full hall, the athlete talked about her path to sports and the secrets of balancing her career, training and personal life. Today Svetlana is already a mother of two children: a 14-year-old daughter and a ten-month-old son. The sportswoman is supported by her husband, who is also a boxing coach.

- The meeting was very emotional. She is a very active and positive woman. There were many questions. It was interesting for us to find out how the preparation for competitive activity goes, how to set ourselves up in a stressful situation. To cope with anxiety more easily, she advised me to remember to do pleasant things, such as buying things that make you happy. Emotional well-being is no less important than physical well-being, – said Ekaterina Dzyuina, a participant in the meeting, a student of the IPC and judo.

Svetlana not only answered all the questions of the IPC and ASU judo students, but also held a mini master class, showing how to “break through the two”, took part in a photo session and an autograph session for everyone.

- Svetlana admitted that she liked our students and their lively and interesting questions. We agreed on the possibility of implementing a major sporting event jointly with the IPC and judo, – added Susanna Bagadirova, Deputy Director for Academic Affairs of the IPC and judo of ASU.

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