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The presentation of the encyclopedic edition “Adyghe (Circassian) philosophy and culture” was held in the Scientific Library of the Adyghe State University


The monograph, the work on which lasted more than thirty years, was presented by the author – Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Ruslan Khanakhu. The event was attended by the rector of the Adyghe State University Daud Mamiy, the director of the Republican Institute for Humanitarian Research named after. Tembota Kerasheva Adam Tleuzh, People’s Writer of the Republics of Adygea, Kabardino-Balkaria, Karachay-Cherkessia Iskhak Mashbash, representatives of the scientific community, statesmen and public figures, students and graduate students. The presentation was held in the format of a round table.

This unique work is an encyclopedic publication dedicated to the Adyghe (Circassian) philosophy and culture and contains a systematic description of philosophical, cultural, ethnological and anthropological terms, concepts and definitions. The reader discovers a previously unknown layer of the philosophical and cultural heritage of the Adyghs (Circassians), in which the contours of the intellectual and spiritual development of the ethnic group are projected.

Publication “Adyghe (Circassian) philosophy and culture. Encyclopedia” aims to give, in a concise and clear form, direct answers to the widest range of questions covering all areas of Adyghe practical philosophy and cultural philosophy, as well as adjacent and related branches of knowledge. Its release is the first serious attempt to reveal for a thinking person of any nationality the treasures of the philosophical and cultural worldview of the Adyghs, the person in him, his soul, his ethno-ontology, which the ancient Adyghe people accumulated in the course of their spiritual and cultural history.

“Encyclopedia” is designed for teachers, students and students of higher educational institutions, colleges, lyceums, gymnasiums, schools, as well as for the widest circles of Russian and Adyghe intelligentsia and all those interested in Adyghe (Circassian) philosophy and culture.

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